Holy War is an open source, fully-3D, real-time role-playing game created by Crazy Panda Games. It uses the Irrlicht 3D engine for graphics, is written entirely in C++ with an object-oriented structure.
- Lead Developer
- Jeremiah Griffin - JerGri - Jeremiah.Griffin[@]
- Co-Lead Developer
- Peter Stevens - PetSte - fatalninja[@]
- Programming
- Jeremiah Griffin - JerGri - Jeremiah.Griffin[@]
- Documentation
- Christopher Liew - ChrLie - Christopher[@]
- Jeremiah Griffin - JerGri - Jeremiah.Griffin[@]
- Peter Stevens - PetSte - fatalninja[@]
- Caitlyn Clites - CaiCli - caitlyn_c[@]
- Jonathan McEwen - JonMcE - Ixioncannon[@]
- Julian (Hidden) - Julian - (AIM) The1stDarkAmigo
- Salvador Makar - SalMak - Masterofaeons[@]
- Graphics
- Christopher Liew - ChrLie - Christopher[@]
- Jeremiah Griffin - JerGri - Jeremiah.Griffin[@]
- Julian (Hidden) - Julian - (AIM) The1stDarkAmigo
- Peter Stevens - PetSte - fatalninja[@]
- Prashant Kanadia - PraKan - prashant_scottishwarria[@]
- Sound
- Julian (Hidden) - Julian - (AIM) The1stDarkAmigo